July, 1968 double-bill at the State in Schenectady. BOOM! (1968) is the British Joseph Losey film, and JIGSAW (1968) was originally planned as a TV movie but released to theaters by Universal. Neither film has received a DVD release as of yet.
The IMDb lists THE BODY SHOP (aka DOCTOR GORE) as having a 1973 release, but here's an ad for the Tryon Theater in Raleigh, NC that proves it was released in August, 1972. Director J.G. "Pat" Patterson was from the western part of the state.
Down to two movies on each screen for this January, 1974 date at the Tri-City Twin. On the first: the women-in-prison drama BLACK MAMA, WHITE MAMA (1972) with Pam Grier and Margaret Markov, and the Fred Williamson classic BLACK CAESAR (1973). On the other screen: the sleazy Cheri Caffaro films GINGER (1971) and THE ABDUCTORS (1972).