Proctor's screened this double-feature in February, 1963. The Rat Pack western comedy SERGEANTS 3 (1962) has yet to make its DVD debut. Neither has the family fantasy THE TWO LITTLE BEARS (1961). Not sure if either even made it to VHS.
The Center Drive-in screened this Europix Consolidated double-feature back in January, 1969. SEDUCTION BY THE SEA was the US release of the 1963 West German/Yugoslavian drama Verführung am Meer, with Peter van Eyck and Elke Sommer. THE LOVE ROOT was the French/Italian comedy La Mandragola (1965). Neither film has had a US home video release.
The Carman Drive-in featured this Harry Novak triple-bill in March, 1970. THE SECRET SEX LIVES OF ROMEO AND JULIET (1969) starred Forman Shane and Deirdre Nelson. THE TOUCHABLES (1961) was a gangster nudie with Claire Brennan; on VHS and DVD-R from Something Weird. THE GIRL WITH HUNGRY EYES (1967) starred Pat Barrington.